Jun 24, 2005 19:33
For as long as I can remember I have not had a birthday where it didn't storm outside. Spooky eh? Anyway, I had intended this years birthday to be like the last several years, that is to say I planned on sitting at home playing videogames all day, this is not to be the case however. Plans have been sprung on me, I'm now set to go to some silly mexican restraunt with my parents and my sister. Something which I'd much rather avoid, I just feel akward when I'm out with them. They never have anything interesting to say.
That and they always make me feel like such a fucking loser. Sister: "So, how is Justin?" Me: "I dunno, I haven't seen him for like a month" Sister: "Errr, so how is Alissa?" Me: "I wouldn't know, we don't really talk that often." Sister: "You need to get out more"
Still I used my upcoming Birthday (it being the 26th) as an excuse to buy myself a Nintendo DS today, making a concious effort to not buy a PSP (which amazingly, I could have also afforded) I'm just not hooked by that machine yet.
The DS is lurvely though, I spent 4 hours today drawing rainbows so a pink ball could roll forth to safety and I don't care. I spent 20 minutes in pictochat despite the fact that I was the only one there, I played a minigame in Mario 64 DS for well over 30 minutes and only stopped because the battery went dead.
I am completely enraptured with this blue lump of plastic.
I'll write more, I have plenty to write about. Anyway, better post this before my computer freezes.
Lots of Love