Nov 10, 2005 19:46
Good news, though. That guster concert that I had been looking forward to for eons, has suddenly been canceled. No, not canceled canceled, I can't go canceled. All day dear mother has been threatening me with the prospect of no ride to the concert, and all day I have done nothing but comply. Just as an unrelated side-note, I can lie on here because you people really don't know what happened. Anyway, my mom decided she won't take me. It's really so fun living with my family. So, as I've been lacking for a while, and since some people get a ton of comments on these entries that I've been doing for god knows how long, I'll pop in a political entry.
You know what, maybe later, I really can't concentrate on that stuff right now. I will say, however, that the no vote on 1 won, thank God. One kid who had like a big "YES ON 1" sticker, said that, after a lengthy discussion in spanish class which resulted in me being moved for like the tenth time, )the nine others weren;t my fault. I swear.)in a hurriedly entered and logged out ambush, not liking an entire kind of people is one thing he doesn't like about himself. I took issue with that, as well. Now I have to admit at this point, that I'm not as entirely comfortable with homosexuals as I would deem optimal. I have no problem talking to gay people, but it's kind of like this little nagging thought of weirdess banging on pots and pans in the back of my mind, and that;s immediately accompianied by guilt. That is not however, going to in any way compel me to start discrimination against them. I'm kind of disapointed that Maine voted like 43% in approval. It shouldn't even bea question. were 43% of Mainers really ready to yell slurs and torment gay people if this bill passed? What's really sickening is that Newsweek had this little window story about this teen girl pop duo from California (who look frighteningly like the Olsens) who are card carrying members of the Nazi party. On their shirts they had smiley faces that had a hitler mustache and hair.They have lyrics telling "Aryan men" (what's funny is that the Aryans, who hitler said the blond haired and blue eyed people who were "supreme", were a dark skinned and dark skinned people that from what I hear eventually became gypsies, and hitler set about trying to eradicate both of those characteristics) to get the enemy out of their country. And they've sold thousands of their albums. What's worse is that Newsweek gave a little unbiased piece on them, even naming their album and including some of the lyrics. They also added that the singers have been forced into hiding because (oh so shockingly) people have had massive protests against them. And then they added a little quote from their lawyer saying that they were heartbroken and crying about the people saying mean things about them. Jesus, I hope they were. I respect that Newsweek has a jouranlistic obligation to provide unbiased opinions on subjects, but seriously, would it kill them to show these people as deeply, deeply moronic and quite likey satan? Another bit of evidence that we are all fucked is that in Nevada or somewhere, the first open KKK member is running for governor, and putting up signs that tell citizens that he will deal with the problem of illegal immigration. Do tell. Actually no, don't tell. Luckily, Bush is falling, his council is being shot down, and Democrats are growing a pair. Second term's a charm.
So after doing the political part of this that I said I wouldn't. I'll go out for the personal. So we have the Guster cancellation, so I have to keep my eyes open. My grades are in the ditch, and I'm trying to pull them up, but the tires of homework are grinding around in the ground of failure (metaphorical, eh?) It's not that I don't get the stuff, but I don't do the homework. There's so many better ways to spend my time then doing homework, none of them constructive. for instance, today I stuck a pile of five cds in the microwave. It was orgasmicly awesome, like in the movies and they've zoomed way out and there's lots of explosions happening on the surface of something. Then they caught on fire and I spent some hours scrubbing out the scorched microwave, fanning the smell out of the room, realizing that air freshener would easily fix this problem, profusely spraying it, spending a half hour dancing blissfully about the room with my shirt wound around my head, singing songs of bliss as the effects of the aerosol took hold, waking up dazedly and realizing that mother may notice the distinct orangy freshness, and then opening all the windows in the house and huddling in a coat in the middle of the floor, and finally closing all the windows, turning on the fireplace, cranking the thermostat, and doing calisthenics in order to raise the temperature of the house. alright, thats my speal. See you in a few months. (As a defense, Deepest sender has no spell check and I was typing fast)