(no subject)

Nov 30, 2004 00:35

I sent this letter in '97 after a cooking mishap. In return I was sent a really expensive replacement made by a different company. Some poor slob had to go to Sears and buy the thing and mail it to me. They sent it with an apology. I was pleased.. Here is the letter, minus the company info...


August 24, 1997

Blah Blah and Co.

Consumer Response Department

2234 Whatever Avenue

Buffalo, NY 14225

Dear sirs:

I am writing to you on behalf of my immediate family and myself. We recently purchased a box set of kitchen-ware (your 23-piece Space Saving Kitchen Kaddy Set).

Quite frankly, I find that plastic in my food from your alleged spatula very irritating. In the future, I suggest making cook-ware that can take a little heat. Allow me to tell you a brief story.

It was Sunday morning, 8:30am, my wife sleeping in a little while I was cooking pancakes. I made four Crepes, and two 8" pancakes. I am the cook in our family. I do it well. By the first pancake your alleged spatula was bleeding plastic all over my food. Of course, any idiot knows that it is unwise to leave plastic on a hot pan, and I don’t. So tell me why your alleged cook-ware is melting? Could it be that the Pancake itself was too hot? Or, maybe, your cook-ware is really Look-ware, and not really for kitchen use?

Here is an idea: on your packaging, please put the disclaimer "Do not use on real food. Keep away from kitchen. Do not leave in direct sunlight. Store in cool dry place. Age range: 3 to 6yrs. Definitely a toy."

Of course, you may think it unreasonable of me to say these things, but remember: I am the consumer. By that, I mean I ate a piece of your stupid spatula and am pretty unhappy about it. I say alleged because you have not proven to my satisfaction that your spatula is the real thing. When you get the real thing on the shelves I will patronize your products again. It could be a long time, so don’t hold your breath. Until then you can find your Kaddy right where it belongs, in my garbage.

Thank you very much (for wasting my time and money).


Jim Sturdivant,


cc: Better Business Bureau

Consumer Reports

Target Retail Stores
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