Dec 10, 2005 16:02
Time for another installment of "What I learned last night":
I am the Sake Emperor (because king wasn't good enough)
Sure I can do a Sake bomb without getting wet, but when i try to down my jungle juice it goes all over me
Apparently jungle juice has two shots of Everclear per that would be why i got so trashed after 3 cups of that...and a sake bomb...and a shot...
It's possible to be embarassed calling a guy by the wrong name even when you're so trashed you can't stand up straight
It's always good to have a video camera...evidence is gathered
I should be nowhere near a phone, telegraph, etc while drunk.
When I get drunk, everyone treats me like a child
The beauty of forgetting is that you forget the important shit while being fully aware of all the random crap you did
South Park is funnier while watched intoxicated (duh)
I'm sure there's more, but that's ok. I'll do a real update later for anyone that actually reads this to get a window into my life (if there is such a person). but for now, hope you enjoyed that bullshit