Sep 25, 2005 17:36
Scott + alcohol + video camera = something that could only possibly be thought up by God himself or the guy who did "girls gone wild" and "girls gone wild 2:slightly less wild"
So we got drunk last night and it was awesome. I can't remember exactly how much I had to drink, but it was something like two or three shots of vodka and three margaritas. I was drunk enough to enjoy it and not enough to be stumbling it was perfect. I gotta say that drinking games with lynds, joey, and Scott (i.e. Scottrates after you get some drinks in him) was absolutely amazing (vagina).
It was an amazing time just because it was one of the first times that I really felt close to everyone again. I know that last year I pushed away a lot of my friends (unintentionally) because of all the Dannie bull shit, and it's been kinda hard to get close again. No one's fault but my own, but it was nice to know that I'm getting there. Apparently I made a drunk away message last night (which I don't remember making) about all my friends that I love (I forgot Lynds, but I do love her too). Yay alcohol
Other than that, I've been stressed so hopefully things will simmer down after Tuesday. Have an awesome week kiddies.