Sep 08, 2005 11:56
started school again this week...usually i'd write some long, meaningful entry about my classes or school...but, nah. my friend and i were joking the other day at the gym about how in only 2 years and 8 months, we will have the capacity to write prescriptions. ha!
maybe that explains all the free CRAP i keep getting from the drug companies... a pen decorated with bladder control medication. a notepad with ambien scribbled on each page. pocket lights with the label pfizer. key chains with coxII inhibitor medication. i don't like any of this really; but i would gladly drive a new car...even if it had LASIX or some other diuretic written on the door.
i love my new place. my roommate rocks. we're both huge fans of ab fab, and you can hear it blasting almost 24/7 lately. i have new goldfish. i like goldfish. i've never had them before, but i have the exotic ones, with the two tails...and although they kind of just flop around to swim, they do it with suprising grace.
anyhoo, they're giving us pizza free today. so, i'm going to go get some and meet all the new first years.
i just want the pizza.
jimmy g