Mar 11, 2005 15:26
I'm almost packed. I just ordered tickets for Alcatraz. I leave in 3 hrs. I'll spend the next week in California with my lady.
Tentative Itenarary:
* Explore San Fransisco
* Visit Chinatown
* Enjoy cafes, comedy clubs, bars, etc.
* Tour Alcatraz
* Drive over the Golden Gate Bridge
* Any other adventure
* Visit winecountry
* Go to Lake Tahoe
* Go snowmobiling if there's snow
* Maybe check out a casino
* Enjoy the lack of school
I'm rather excited about this trip. I've never been to on the West Coast, and I look forward to seeing the Pacific. I'm rather tempted to visit a casino in Tahoe because I've never been to a real one. After my last performance on the boat, however, I don't know if I should play any cards. Maybe craps. My phone should work out there. If you get a drunk-dial at 4 in the morning, disregard the 3 hour differential. Besides, you'll probably be up still, celebrating your spring break.
In the tune of the O.C. theme song - California here we come!