Another Gay Sunshine Day

Feb 19, 2009 20:21

I can't believe that I actually rented - and watched - Another Gay Sequel.  What. The. Hell. Was. I. Thinking?

I do have to say that the opening song is kinda catchy, but the rest of movie (or soft porn!) was horrendously terrible.  I kept watching it until the end thinking it was all some big joke, but no, it was just a very, very bad movie.  The stereotypes in the movie are over-the-top.  I think it is in an attempt to be funny, but it took a lot of the potential humor out of it.  The only real thing that made it even slightly interesting were the hotties.

Since I'm 30 now can I still use the term "hotties", or does that just sound uncool? :-)

Thankfully Michael went to dinner tonight with Wade and a former co-worker of theirs so he didn't have to be subjected to it.  I guarantee it would be another notch in the "Jimmy always picks terrible movies" totem pole if he had been home to watch it with me.  I'm just going to slip it back into the mail tomorrow and hopefully he will be none-the-wiser.

I think the reason I rented it was because I remembered watching the first one (which wasn't much better) in a theater in the U-District with Jason and when Jason and I are together we can laugh at anything.  I guess I needed to invite him over to watch it with me to appreciate it, or just get completely drunk (which wouldn't take much in my case) and smack my head on the edge of a really sharp table.  One of the two would probably work.

Other than the terrible movie the rest of my day went pretty well.  It all dealt with work and I won't go into specific details, but I really felt productive again today - that is nearly an entire week of catching up on my to-do-list and my goodness it feels GREAT!

Lastly, the video below was passed along to me in email today from Michael.  I still find it hard to believe that the gay people in California were given the right to marry after so many years of struggling for equality only to have it snatched back in an instant by a vote.  The rights of minorities in this country and around the world should not be up to public votes at the will of the majority (especially a slim majority).  In times when the majority feels it necessary to impose or continue imposing their will on smaller groups around them, minorities must rely on the government to step in and provide them with equal access to all rights and responsibilities granted to its citizens.

This is especially poignant to me, as the Washington State Legislature is attempting to push through a bill this year that will grant existing gay and lesbian domestic partnerships "everything but marriage".  Since Michael and I have been registered domestic partners for nearly two years now it would be freeing to finally be equal (even if it is not called 'marriage' for the time being) under state law.  The video was somewhat touching so I thought I would share it here.

image You can watch this video on

Toodles Noodles! :-)
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