(no subject)

Jul 17, 2007 21:03

MOVIES!!!!!  I saw the fifth Harry Potter movie (fuck all you haters it was awesome) and Joshua, which was this crazy movie about an evil little kid.  It was like The Omen but even better.  Very very creepy.

I guess nothing else's happened.  I don't know why I'm updating.  I'm just bored.

Nichole sent me a postcard from England, which was nice.  I was fairly certain she'd forgotten about me.

If I won the lottery, I'd go to Disneyland.  No.  I'd MOVE to Disneyland, and live there forever.  I'd live off of Churros and slushies and ride the rides every day.  Space Mountain in the morning to wake me up, and Pirates of the Caribbean at night to gently lull me to sleep.  I WOULD NEVER LEAVE.
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