Jul 10, 2007 13:37

Fuck people who think mental illnesses are just "life problems" and that depression isn't a legitimate disorder.  Just because you felt "depressed" when your dog died or when you were having a bad day doesn't mean you could come close to understanding how a person who has been diagnosed with depression feels.  Or that you have any right to invalidate what they've gone through.  Fuck.  Off.

It's true that anti-depressants are over-prescribed.  But just because a bunch of people feel the need to validate their bad moods is no reflection on those who genuinely need medication.  If a person who felt suicidal a few years ago is now happy, healthy, and able to take care of themselves, then it's worth a thousand stressed-out people who had a bad day popping happy pills.

So again, fuck off.  Your judgment of depression is making me depressed.

Sigh.  I feel better now.

fuck off, depression, happy pills

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