Goddamn Old People

May 07, 2007 20:02

So, I'm sitting on a bench listening to my iPod, and this old guy walks by, and he has headphones on too, so I kind of smile, like, Hey!  We're not so different!  And he slows down and points out, rather good-naturely, that I have holes in the knees of my jeans.  And I'm not too phased because people point that out a lot for some reason and I'm in a good mood, so I'm just sort of, "Heh heh, yeah, I guess."  Then he starts talking about how people who don't have jobs and don't make money force other people to support them, and how he's forced to pay for people being lazy.  Just like that, without any segway or anything.  And I'm just kind of nodding along, and then I realise he's giving me this pointed stare, and I'm like, What the shit, is he calling me lazy?

This is, of course, Not On, so I go, "Well, I'm going to college, so I'll get a job after that."  Not snotty at all, though I think at that point I deserved to be.  And he's like, That's good, what are you going to study?  And people have been asking me this for months, so I just automatically say, "Editing."  And he's like, that's good..."So I guess you're a Democrat?"

WTF dude?  Again, I have no idea what's going on, I'm just sort of along for the ride at this point, so I go Yeah, and he's like, That's too bad.

Christ.  Then I don't even know what happened, he started going on about this billionaire who did some shit with the economy, had I ever heard of him (I could probably look him up, he spouted off a web address, but hell if I'm going to help this guy out.)  He asks me if I've ever heard of him, and I go "No," while inside I'm thinking Oh shit, oh shit, he's going to try to get me to join a cult.  But he just goes, "No?  Well, I guess they don't teach you that in college."

I don't even remember what happened after this, I just remember smiling and nodding a lot, but the word "hippy" was brought into play, which I take great offense at - I am NOT a motherfucking hippy.  I'm very clean.  Anyway, he walked away eventually, mostly in disgust.  All because I had holes in my motherfucking jeans.

Man, I'm so dissillusioned right now.  I thought old people were supposed to be wise and awsome, with lots of advice and cool medical problems.  But it turns out that they're just a bunch of Republican/Cult Leader assholes who think we're all hippies.  Well fuck them, dude.  They can all die in a crappy old-person homes, I'm not paying my motherfucking taxes now.
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