Title: Finding Sanctuary
slinkymilinky Beta:
tawg Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Claire Novak, Castiel, James ‘Jim’ Murphy, David Gideon, Sam & Dean Winchester. No pairings.
Warnings/Squicks: +All events in this story are expected to be Jossed by the end of S7. +Dub-con re angelic possession. +Second hand re-telling of an angelic massacre. +Dark and twisty nightmare scenarios with possible mild gore and mind games. +Menace, peril and a ‘malnourished’ youth. +Minimal Winchesters +Bittersweet, happy ending.
Word Count: 12 327
Summary: **AU S7 veers off by end of 7.03** The angels spoke to Claire for so long, pestering, questioning and interrogating her for more than two years. That was until the day her father’s face became a viral video and their empty promises became terrified cries that faded into silence. Now Claire dreams in monotone and knows things no one really should about monsters that disappeared long ago. Oh and sometimes she wonders what happened to Cas.
(Some events from 7.04 through 7.07 have happened in the background. 7.08 onwards are to be completely disregarded.)
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