Mar 04, 2009 08:37
Me likes Uni! =D
I had my morning lecture and met up with my two asian friends again. Afterwards Crystal left to go meet up with her own friends and the other girl (i feel terrible that i dont remember her name but its confuzing and i forgot it! >_<) had a two hour break until her next class so i decided to hang out with her until her next class and then get Mum to pick me up.
We had a stroll though the botanical gardens which was lovely and we where having a good chat. She's a very easy person to talk to! We then went into the libary (aircon!) and chatted in there about all sorts of things, twilight, food, china, animals, us both wanting to go to japan. I had a realy nice time. =)
After that i went home for a couple of hours and then had to come back at 3 to go to a Tute.
In that class was the girl i met from orientation so i sat next to her. I also met CJ who was a guy she had already made friends with also and we soon discovered that we take the same train home to i told him he has to take me to the train next Tuesday so i know how to do it.
Now that ive been making friends i feel sooooo much better about uni and such.