Jul 02, 2005 15:04
Yesterday was Canada Day. I woke up and went downstairs to play video games (YARRRRRRRRR). When I got downstairs, instead of finding a sexy and sleek gamecube with Paper Mario ready for use, I found my parents sitting at the table. I got a talking to about getting organized. It was so much fun! Man, I wish my parents gave me more "talking-to's". They brighten you right up, they do. So that was all good, I then had to clean my room... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah work blah blah blah blah blah. for real blah blah blah blah blah blerg blah catch that? blah blah. Then I went over to Laura's house and met up with some other people and we watched a movie and then went down to Peake's Quay for some hazardous fireworks. It was pretty PHONE!! Where is my band? They're gone. I have to find them. A couple of 24 HOUR PERIODS ago, troy, patrick, and laura came over and we threw water balloons? baloons? at my brother's pig. He took it LIKE A MALE PIG. which he is. he didn't take it well.
MMMMMMMMMM....... I like like like like. 'slike.
Our band has stage names.
ON VOCALS, IT'S STUPID BEN!!! (applause)
ON FIRST GUITAR, IT'S SLICK E.P.!!! (applause)
ON BASS GUITAR, IT'S SALAMO CHRIS!!! (applause, since he's a butcher, eh?)
ON DRUMS, IT'S SAUCY MATHIEU!!! (applause, since he's SAUCY)
face, goodbye.
Love and Good wishes from,
Your mother figurine, Isaac.