(no subject)

May 14, 2008 16:12

I like Empire and its reviews, and its wicked captions for pictures (eg. on a still for a horror movie (Cloverfield): "Rob and Beth failed to smile for the cameras"; or, for Hayden Christensen's movie Jumper, which is about people jumping through space and time, there's a picture of Hayden C. with an umbrella against Big Ben, and the caption--"Hayden Christensen as David Price: can Jump as high as Big Ben! Show-off."); and it has marvellous headings for articles (or sub-headings...someone help me, this was learnt when we were 14, titles and sub-titles??), e.g. on Mel Gibson's Apocalypto (which is about the Mayans), there's a horrific line: "You Mayan like [this], but Aztec a look" (you mayn't like this, but let's take a look) ^^ It has its little lists, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. Its reviews can make me want to watch something with a title like Hot Fuzz (but then again, it gave a fairly glowing review of Enchanted, though that it's possible to read between the lines of that review)...

Okay, that was the random post to show signs of life.

Movies I'd like to see which aren't out for rental yet: L: Change the World; Nim's Island; Juno; Spiderwick Chronicles.

rl, movies

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