(no subject)

Sep 30, 2007 17:31

...I have written 181 words of a 4000 word essay.

I am still not sure how much ground I am going to cover or if i can hit even 3k words (the lower limit). I sure hope so.

in other news--bleach's latest chapter is BRILLIANT. sorry, ichigo, your battles are okay and i like you and i like nell and i like the new one-eyed guy who is extremely hot and fits the usual sort i like--a kind of kira izuru and loyal (like the little girl-arrancar who is the sidekick of a mean little girl-arrancar, and who is also one of my favourite arrancar).

but ishida and renji...well, ishida...o, i am liking this very much. Yay. I feel excited. my icon agrees. :)

ETA: Just in case things get really bad, had better strike out the above.

manga, rl

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