I'm afraid that while I like Kubo Tite, I kind of feel that it's not just Dragonball Z that I'm reading, but also the drawings of Eyeshield 21 (sorry,
aatash and everyone else who loves Eyeshield). But mostly Dragonball Z. There's a little Sailor-Moon-daemon feel too, but I just can't bear the art for the Vulgarian part of chapter 281 (Vulgarian Noise). I liked the opening, and the face (with the dark eyes and bright pupils) of one of the characters is really handsomely rendered, but the strange body shape is reminiscient of the strange footwork (literally) of Soi Fon and Yoruichi in book 18--have you EVER seen a foot kicking, laid out flat, looking so bizarre???? >.< I shouldn't complain because I can't really draw, but I just feel distressed.
...and yet excited by the new arrivals. Oh well.
Wait. Grimmjow still has a handsome face, and he kind of looks sleek and elegant in one particularly almost-poignant- looking shot. ^^;;