Jan 04, 2005 05:39
Five Things 2004 Has Taught Me
1. That Florida sucks huge ass, who would ever want to move our here, unless you have no sense of smell or cant drive.
2. Ive become a huge mooch time to become rich off invention I invent, it will happen in 2005 or 6
3. I got to finish college
4. Girls who are arrogant or think they are shit can probably fit a baseball bat up there pussies because they are whores, sluts and bitches, especially after you buy them a drink
5. Dont buy them drinks.
Five personally significant events of 2004
1. Falling in love
2. Saying goodbye to the one you love infront of her boyfriend, "who is a huge douchebag and needs to cut his fucking hair because wow we arent freshman in highschool anymore and dragons on your shirt arent cool...or goth...poser." and not getting to even kiss her goodbye
3. Moving to Orlando
4. Learning the club industry from a doorhost perspective, did I mention im one of the best of Pleasure Island?
5. Finally having a car that isnt a Taurus.
Five things I want to do in 2005
1. Get the fuck out of Florida
2. Visit my Nina in Chicago, I dont care if she has a boyfriend or husband, shes still MY Nina.
3. Get my own place
4. Get a good paying job
5. Have sex with many woman...not girls...WOMEN
Five things I don't want to do in 2005
1. Die
2. Pee on an electric fence
3. Say goodbye to everyone im leaving down here...it says what I dont want to do, not what I have to do *sad face with tear*
4. extend my program down here
5. become a stripper
Five people I'd like to get to know better in 2005
1. Nina
2. Jordan
3. Matt
4. Mike
5. Carin
What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
- Move to Orlando
- Fall in love
- Get drunk everyday
- Live in the same ROOM with another person( my dorm was a 1 person to bedroom dorm)
Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
- No, and I didnt make one for the next year.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
- Yes
Did anyone close to you die?
- Not too close
What countries did you visit?
- None this year
What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
- money
- Live in a place that I WANT to live in
- A dog
- To be with a certain girl maybe get married to her one day when im 30...anything under is too young.
What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
- The second night hurricane Frances hit Orlando...our first kiss, it happened outside after smoking a cigarette, under candle light, something ive wanted to happen for months...after it was done you said in your cute teasing seductive way "I like you". god you're beatiful
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
- Making it to the end of the Disney College Program
What was your biggest failure?
- not having sex with every girl in my apartment complex?
Did you suffer illness or injury?
- nah
What was the best thing you bought?
- Cant say its a surprise for my mom and sister
Sorry i got bored...and stopped