It keeps making me wanna be on a House kick once again. I mean, I've seen every episode at least two times over, some more than that, and yet I still giggle like a moron every time I see it's on. *rolls eyes* damn you USA. Actually, I haven't watched House in a while. There's a point were you need to take a break from a show for a while, and that's how I feel with House right now. Need to save up energy for season six. Who knows what's gonna happen. Right now I'm in the process on getting caught up with Gossip Girl and finally watch Supernatural.
Updates on fanfictions....Well, I've decided to discontinue my House/Wilson/OC fanfiction. It just...idunno. Kinda stupid to me now. Good for a smutty, pointless one shot, but not for an actual story. I'm thinking of writing a fanfic with dark!House and slightly dark!Wilson. It will be around the erra of Tritter. I got the idea to do it from the movie Trapped. (if you have never seen it, go rent it. Kevin Bacon is a bad guy and he is a hottie. If you don't know who Kevin Bacon is, he's the dude from Footloose. If you don't know what Footloose is, then you fail at life.) For those of you who have seen the movie (this is spoiler-ish) you know it has to do with kidnapping, money, and revenge. Cause the kidnappers thought that the surgen killed their daughter. So, here's what I was thinking for the fanfiction. Tell me if it's a good idea.
Well, they never said if Tritter was married, or if he had any kids. (not that I can remember anyways. I could be wrong). What if it was his own wife who used to do drugs. Maybe she popped Vicodin and stuff like that, and that's why Tritter was so obsessive over House because all the pain and anger from his wife being into drugs, and House shoving a thermoiter up Tritter's ass (for House, that's foreplay XD). House gets his revenge on Tritter for fucking with his life for a while. Maybe him and Wilson (cause House can't do anything without him) do there one little version of a B&E+Kidnap? Tritter's ex wife and daughter? Yeah....I'm thinking I could make this work. I'd take House to a more darker side, which is fun sometimes cause House is already a somewhat dark character. Wilson wouldn't really be a challenge either for the dark side. I have a feeling there's more evil to Wilson than meets the eye. I think he just masks it better than House, lol.
I'd have House take care of the daughter, cause you know his perv ass loves that hot, young booty, lol. Wilson takes care of the mother. I think I'm gonna have it more based around the daughter and House (in Trapped, the movie was based more around the mother and Kevin Bacon instead of everyone at the same time. Daughter was like...4 or 5 in the movie. I'll make the daughter in my fanfic at least 17. Any younger and it won't work, lol. House is like fifty, after all.). Have the mom go out of town for some meeting or something. Wilson meets up with her, pulls his natural charms on her, then holds her hostage in her hotel room while the daughter is being held hostage at her and her mother's home. Not sure about how everything should end yet, but I'll get it down sometime. Think it'd be a good story? I don't think it's been done before, and if it has you better link my ass to this story!
Anyways, gotta jump in the shower. Gonna go hang out with friends tonight.