Jan 01, 2018 20:40
Congratulations, if you are reading this you survived 2017. Not all of us made it. For those that are no longer with us, you will be missed. Ok, I will not sugar coat this, 2017 was a shit year for a lot of people. A lot of us will go into the new year with scars. Some visible, others not so much. Politics was a number one hot bed this year. It turned people against one another. (tho it brought some together) I watched friendships dissolve because of this topic. The weather caused lots of disasters. Hurricanes, floods, tornados and heat was just some of the things that happened. A lot of people showed true colors this year as well. Some showed they was good, others showed they was bad. I watched people that are "Christians", that always preached that people should help others, turn their backs on people in times of need. I also saw people from many different walks of life come together to help others in need.
Will 2018 be a better year? I hate to say it, but most likely not. We will lose more people. We will see more hurt in the world. I just hope that it is not as bad as it could be. (2018, please don't take it as a challenge) I do have some advice tho. Keep moving forward. Take a few minutes each day to center your self. Remember who you are.