Dec 16, 2010 21:29
Today was simply outstanding.
Work was nice, and easy-going; always a good thing. I got out of work, and I came home, ate some cookies that one of my customers brought for me, and took a nap...
This is when things get a little sketchy. I went to class, and I was a couple minutes late. I see everyone going into a different classroom, and I asked one of my classmates what was going on. She says 'We're getting our portfolios back today, but we have to have our current one turned in by 7:30 tonight"....... I was kinda in shock. I thought I was going to get the whole class time to work on a project that I hadn't even started on. Needless to say, I thought about not turning it in at all. After thinking about it, the only thing I could do was whip something up real quick to turn in. I did. It was horrible and ridiculous. Any points are good points I was thinking. ALSO, I found out that one of my James Dean Portraits is going into the art show, and that made me very, very very excited. It kinda feels like I am getting where I need to be going. Like an artist. :] I'm pumped, and odds are, if I know you, and we are friends, I am going to drag your happy ass down there so that you can see all my awesomeness in real action.. So, thank you in advance.
Baking time.