Mar 18, 2009 18:34
So work asked me to come in late today so I could help for calls coming in at 8. Because of that, I was able to watch some television early this morning since I was up. I'm 25 years old, 26 next month. Being this age, you think that I would watch responsible adult-minded shows like the news, the weather channel, traffic updates, or something along those lines.
Instead, I watched Sesame Street. It was awesome. They even did this parady of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" titled "Law & Order: Special Letters Unit". It was just like an episode of SVU, except with more muppets and less rape.
In educational learning shows related news, I need to re-learn how to correctly label shows, books, movie, and other things. I've totally forgotten the correct way to cite them. Which get the parenthesis? Who get's the underlines? Do we ever put them in bold? Oh well, it's not like I'll ever need them in real life other than to look smart to all my friends who probably don't even read my updates.