Apr 27, 2006 22:03
so even tho my last post was supposed to be my last and i began my own little boycott of all mass social mediums such as facebook and livejournal something happened today that i felt i had to share.
so im running along minding my own business in front of Kroger. i get to the stoplight and this girl pulls up in the left lane. the one that is obviously for turning left or going straight. the lights red so i keep running. not that the light really makes much of a different b/c legally as a runner the crosswalk belongs to me no matter what color the light is.anyway i continue on but when i just get in front of the car i realize the girl doesnt really feel like being in the lane that lane but would rather be turning right. so im like well shit, what the hell do i do? obviously i had about a split second to react so i just went with instincts. so as she peels out i slam my hand down onto her hood and kick my legs out so they are parallel to the ground and propel myself over to the other side. since she was turning at the time, i arced from the passenger side of her hood over the center of it and then over the right corner of her windshield where i land and without breaking stride continue on with my run.