*I don't have enough favorite Potter fanart, fanfic or fan media to fill all three of those spots, so I will be combining them and replacing one of the other categories with my favorite movie scenes. This cuts a lot out of what I was gonna put here.
Day 2 (July 6th) - Rank the HP movies in order of preference
Prisoner of Azkaban - The book ranks anywhere from 1 to 3 on my list, but this movie remains number 1, even seven years and four films later. It's missing a lot, but less so than some of the others. Not saying it got a default #1, but it did have a bit of help. My feelings on the film mirror those of the book. Even without the Marauder back story (Seriously. Not even two minutes to explain the significance of the names on the map?!) it was good that Harry got a bit more family, in Lupin and Sirius, people who knew his parents and could tell him things about them no one else could. This was the film where they stopped being kid's movies and started being a bit more serious. New director, darker tone, more complex story. Good stuff all around. Except for New Dumbledore. I am not a fan.
Goblet of Fire - The tournament, and all of its crazy challenges provided the chance to see all kinds of incredible thing. This movie had a lot more going on visually -- and that is saying a lot, because the word of Harry Potter is stunning. Stunning. (One of the things I really, really hope comes out of these things is some sort of "The Art of Harry Potter" book. That is something I'd pay good money for.) I liked being introduced to other non-Hogwarts wizards. Up to that point I'd never even considered that such things even existed. And I know it's not usually my thing, but I like the increasing tension between Ron and Hermione. I mean, I liked Krum, but come on, everyone knew he was just postponing the inevitable. Also, I'd just like to note that Harry, again, had help on every single challenge.
Order of The Phoenix - This is my favorite book, and the film could probably be higher, but I've only seen it twice, both times on a tiny computer screen. It also suffered a lot from having some of the really interesting bits cut out.... not least of which was the story about Ron's tryout for the Quidditch team. He struggles at first, but then comes into his own -- on his own. Very important. Also left out were the scenes of the Maurauder's tormenting Snape and Neville's parents (and Lockhart) at St. Mungo's. The first took a character many saw as definitely a bad guy and showed you a little bit about him and why he maybe harbors a little dislike for Harry. Yeah, he always tells Harry that his dad was a bit of a punk, put Harry's like, "No way!" and since we only get a small snippet of it, as an audience, those who have not read the books "No way!' right along with him. The second just underlined the importance of Neville to the story, something reinforced by the fact that, if not for Harry's half-blood status, it would have been him and not Harry with the scar and the Chosen One status.
But, I digress
Half-Blood Prince - I've only seen it twice, so I don't recall it as much as I do others, but I know that, like with OotP, I was so mad that so much got cut. Where was my Tom Riddle story? What's a villain gotta do to get some meaningful screen time? The little bit we did get was good, of the three kids they've gotten to play him, I've liked them all. What about Draco? I remember reading the book and being excited that he finally got something to do, but as usual, whittled down to the most basic elements. Wait, I just remembered lovesick Ron and everything involving Harry and Slughorn, and the super epic battle at the Ministry of Magic, rocketing this from a default #6 to a comfortable #4. You know, I really fee like it should be higher. I definitely need to watch this one again.
Chamber of Secrets - LOL Lockhart. That's a character I was sad to see go. He provided a great dose of comedy amongst the petrified bodies and basilisks in the basement.
Sorcerer's Stone - I like this one, but it's so... young. So very, very young. It's so weird to look back on it and see how everyone has changed. They were just all so tiny. It does kind of make me happy though. I spend a lot of it just looking at the scenery. Hogwarts is amazing. Diagon Alley is amazing. I am sure the first time I saw the movie, every time Harry saw something new, if you'd look at me, the two of us would have been making the same face... something between(o.O) and :D. Plus, I don't know why, but it reminds me of Christmas. And Christmas always makes me happy. Maybe this should be 6 and not 7. I don't know. I may move it up later.
Deathly Hallows - I spoken before of my general Deathy Hallows-related apathy. It also extends to the film. I've seen it once and... ehh, let's see how part 2 turns out, but for now, here it is. I reay don't remember much about it. Like, I know the basic plot, but it just seemed like it was all set-up, then just when it started to get good... credits!
Day 3 (July 7th)- Favorite characters and why
Day 4 (July 8th)- Top 5 favorite HP fan artworks
Day 6 (July 9th)- Top 5 favorite HP fanfics
Day 7 (July 10th)- Top 5 favorite HP fan made media (videos, songs, plays/skits, etc)
Day 8 (July 11th)- Year, age, and reason you started reading HP
Day 9 (July 12th)- Your Top five favorite HP moments (books or movies)
Day 10 (July 13th)- How would you say the HP series and fandom has affected you?
Day 11 (July 14th)- What scene are you looking forward to most in DH2?
Day 12 (July 15th or whenever you get to see DH2)- Describe your experience watching DH2. What was your favorite scene?