Jan 30, 2008 18:56
I went into this whole "voting for President in '08" thing with a candidate in mind. I watch enough political-type television to know who I like, who makes sense and who I will not vote for under any circumstances. I had a candidate and was ready to go. Of course the elections were over a year away, meaning anything could happen, but I had my guy and I was ready to go. (Of course, everyone I talked to said "Who?" but that was cool, because then I got to explain to them who he was and why I chose him over the more gimmicky flashy candidates.) And then, my candidate dropped out.
I was all "Well, this sucks! Now what?" for a while, but then I moved on. I'd always had a Plan B, a backup, a candidate I'd get behind when if my guy didn't make it. I figured, "If anything goes wrong, this guy is pretty good, so he should at least make it to the primary!" Wrong!
So now I have no idea what I am going to do... again. On one hand, this sucks, because I have to pick from a bunch of people I had no interest in in the first place. On the other hand, it's interesting, because it's like a big do-over, and I may get a chance to latch on to one of the outside-of-the-box guys. I have never done that before. I usually just go with whoever the party puts out there, as I am sure most people do. But, when it comes down to it, I won't vote for someone I can't seriously support just to say I voted (and get a sticker). So maybe I will toss my vote to one of the "crazy guys". I mean, I know they don't have a chance, but they're out there like the rest of 'em, so... I don't know, why not?
Now I see Nader may be jumping in. This amuses me, as I like to watch people freak out over his very presence. Perhaps I will talk to my Libertarian friend and see who he is going with, because at this point, there is a strong chance that I will vote for a member of the other side. I bet I would be the only person in my district to do that.
What ever happened to Stewart-Colbert '08?! That was a ticket I could get behind!
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