It's only 2:55 and I am already sleepy. But I have only been up like 2 hours. My sister kept coming in here all "Are you up?! Time to get up!"... hounding me about opening presents. (She is 20, not 10) The thing is, cult compound release time had yet to arrive, and I don't open anything unless all parties are present. So, Ma and the sister opened everything while i was back here still trying to wake up (and research turkey-coking information). Which means that half of the presents here are open, and the others are not. But, cult members don't get as many presents as actual people seen on a regular basis, so most of those are not even for here. And everything for me came from the same store (and, as it was a book store, it is pretty obvious what they are), so I am now in no rush for opening things. I may wait until tomorrow.. you know, spread it out!
This is all very weird, because when she woke me up (the second time, I was having a dream about how the Opening of the Presents fell apart due to cult-related activities... so perhaps my subconscious was on to something. Hmm.... Shall I preemptively declare this the Most Underwhelming Christmas Ever? Perhaps. This stands until I get the food complete and the holiday specials on the television. It will still be Underwhelming, but at least it will then have food and good tv!
And today we have Sylar and Mohinder and "Giving presents. Most definitely.