So, just in case some of you didn't know, I cut my hair March 5, 2006 after growing it starting 7th grade...
And let me also say, I am GLAD I did it too.. I needed a change..
But yeah, I am back at school now... Also, yeah I may be closer to YOU than you think come soon enough..
So Ben's mom is going to work full time until december, and then starting january 2007, she's going to job share with this guy, so that means she'll be living in Delaware doing work, and then she'll come back to Michigan, but she won't be here 24/7.. but anyways.. she told Ben that since my mom is selling the house and my sister is getting an apartment, that I could basically move in with them for the summer and what not.. how cool is that??
Oh, and I am definitly taking them up on that offer, lol
Yeah, pretty much...
Here's a pic of the new me.