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I’m not expecting to publish anything else before the end of the calendar year, so I figure I may as well get this post up and out of the way early in the nominating season. As usual, I’m not saying that any of these are deserving of your Hugo or Nebula nomination (and I always feel like an imposter for posting this list), but in the event you liked something I wrote enough to want to nominate it, I wanted you to know what’s eligible this year.
So, without further ado:
- “Too Close for Comfort” - short story by Kyle Aisteach (Cosmos Magazine, Oct./Nov. 2010; Cosmos Online, Jan. 2011; Extinct Doesn’t Mean Forever, Apr. 2011) [Eligible for Nebula only. Hugo eligibility was last year, based on the date of the first Australian publication.]
- “Pressure and the Argument Tree” - short story by Kyle Aisteach (Pressure Suite - Digital Science Fiction Anthology 3, Sept. 2011)
- The Survivors’ Menagerie - novelette by Kyle Aisteach (Lightning Cellar Publications, Sept. 2011; available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble)
I will also be in my second and final year of eligibility for the
John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.
And, there are two other eligible stories in which I have a vested business interest:
- “The Closet Monster” - short story by Patricia Court (Flashes in the Dark, Feb. 25, 2011) [Pat's stories in Monster Gallery from Static Movement Press are not eligible because they were first published in the U.S. in 2010.]
- The Case of the Basher: A Colm Ramirez Mystery - novelette by James Ipse (Lightning Cellar Publications, Sept. 2011; available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble)
And, I hope this goes without saying, but if you’ve got eligible stuff this year, please post a list so I can be sure to check it out as well, since I’m allowed to nominate for both the Nebulas and the Hugos this year.
Happy reading!