crboltz is still a little freaked out by this, but
someone tried to steal his car from the driveway in Fresno last night.
Now, I wasn't there, so I'm basing this on both the snippets I got on the phone last night and his (admittedly somewhat jumbled) recounting on LJ this morning, but I think that even though it's scary to (nearly) be the victim of a crime on your own property, where you like to feel you're safe, this incident highlights three very important differences between Fresno and every city I've lived in here in Southern California:
- The neighbors noticed someone breaking into a car.
- These neighbors did something about someone breaking into the car, by calling the police.
- The police responded promptly and therefore caught the criminal.
Call me cynical, but based on my experience down here, I would consider #1 a long-shot, #2 a miracle, and #3 a sure sign that the victim was a celebrity or major political donor. Folks in Fresno, on the other hand, seem to expect this to be the response to crime. Odd.
Since I understand that crime happens everywhere (and I have the advantage of not being the one roused by the police pounding on the door late at night), this actually makes me feel much, much better about Fresno being the next phase of my life.