Jan 05, 2015 12:47
Okay, I went through and removed all the bad, pansy, whiney entries. What's left are the happy times, the memories I choose to keep of Rail, Marianne, Bobby, Robyn, Rebecca, and Tristan, amongst others. I wanted to keep Daniel's good memories too, but he deleted his LJ and all comments associated with it.
Do you guys think we can maybe try to all be friends again? That truly was a special time. I know we've all gone our separate ways, and over ten years we've stopped talking. I would desperately love to just be able to get everyone together again, maybe play some DDR, watch an anime, maybe go drink awful, bitter Starbucks and just reminisce.
I don't smoke anymore, so that won't be an issue. I haven't had a cigarette in over 5 years. I don't drink anymore, but you guys would certainly be welcome. Most of us (minus Bobby and Rebecca, and maybe Tristan) still live near-ish to the Columbus area, so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch, right?
Now I just need to get people to READ this entry.