Jun 23, 2005 20:15
Thanks for all the offers of sporxage the other day! Y'all are so great!
The girl that delivers our mail & parcels at work had stopped by to drop off some boxes a few days ago when all this 'integrity' stuff had just been dumped on me and I was feeling fairly low. Well, she came by my desk yesterday with one of those inflatable punching bag toys. You know, the kind with sand in the bottom...you punch it and it pops back up. Taped to it was a note that said "In case anyone else questions your integrity or doubts your work ethic, just imagine their face here and let 'em have it. All of us in the mail room know the truth." It really made me smile. It's funny to find out that people you hardly know are rooting for you. :)
We watched The Life Aquatic last night and those of you who recommended it to me were right - I really liked it. Odd in that Wes Anderson way, but very compelling - I found myself drawn into the characters right off the bat. The sets were really cool, too.
It's officially been a month since we moved Katie into her new place in Orlando. We talk to her on the phone a lot, which is great. We miss her...but knowing she's doing well and having fun makes the separation easier. It's strange to think we won't see her for another 10 weeks or so. Oh, there will be SUCH hugs!!
And speaking of hugs, *extra big hugs* to all my friends who are having bad weeks. Hang in there! As Anne said, tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it. :)