So, what a time I've had the last few weeks. Work has been kinda crazy. We had the san francisco international film festival there for two weeks, which was a blast, and I met a woman who was in town to work the festival from Washington state. We got to talking and hanging out and then sleeping together for two weeks. It was really spectacular. She left for L.A. a few days ago for work (she is a movie producer, like, she has an imdb page and is in the Producers Guild of America...) but is going to visit on her way back up to WA in a week or two, which should be fun. She is 31, which, at first I had mixed feelings about, but I have come to realize that it doesn't really matter. She is beautiful, gorgeous, cuddly, and totally out of my league. :) It was my first experience with sex without love. I didn't feel empty inside, which is what I thought I might feel, but it didn't feel as intense. So, while not as good as it is emotionally as it is with someone that I love, it still is really great. Now, I just have to make sure not to become a slut...
I'm running in aids walk this July, and I need people to sponsor me! so... do that ;)
Other than that, on monday I leave for a cousin's bar mitzvah in FLA, which should be a blast. I am really, really looking forward to the beach and the sun!