The Christian girl has to say something about prop h8!

Oct 24, 2008 12:45

Well it's right there in the freaking Bible! God = LOVE! NOT HATE! Stop telling people to hate! 1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
So how does hating anyone for anything bring you closer to love? Which is God! Duh! Love they neighbor already, let people love. Voting No on 8 does not make you against God or so called "traditional marriage". (Thanks to K3 I'm gonna make sure my mom has enough livestock should we ever tie the knot!)However, by voting yes, you will allow people to target a group of people. Then what? I guess we can go after the Jews next. Ooh. And the pagans and atheists and people who are not blond with blue eyes! Crap. Gotta strip the dye. Double crap. Green eyes. I'm screwed.

NO on 8
YES on 2 cuz fud needz luv 2!
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