Back from Vacation

Jul 13, 2015 09:00

Ah…I needed that. Eight days to spend time with the family, read some books, enjoy the scenery, and sneak off to work on Revisionary. I’m working on catching up with the rest of the world again. It turns out life continued even though I was away. How rude!

Two things that happened over the past week or so:
  1. The Baen Books podcast went up, featuring David Afsharirad talking to me, Esther Friesner, John Helfers, Jody Lynn Nye, Harry Turtledove, Robin Wayne Bailey, and I’m sure I’m forgetting someone - sorry - about the newly released Chicks and Balances anthology.
  2. Brittany Woolsey wrote an article about convention/cosplay harassment, which includes comments from me and several other folks.


Some pictures from up north:

This is one of my favorite pictures I’ve ever taken. I had to do a bit of processing, but I’m really happy with how it turned out.


Really BIG squirrel!

A shot of the night sky from our camp.

The rest are over on Flickr, along with larger versions of these, if you’re interested.


On Saturday, the day after we drove home, I got to be a part of the Michigan State University Young Authors Conference again. I might have been a wee bit sleepy or out of it from the drive, but I don’t think I messed up too badly in either of my sessions. As always, I just wish I’d had more time to talk about stuff and answer questions and just chat with the kids. But I did get to sit in on one of Merrie Haskell’s sessions and give her a hard time, which is always a nice bonus! I also picked up a copy of her latest book (though I didn’t get the “special edition” with the messed-up dust jacket).


So what did I miss while I was gone?

Mirrored from Jim C. Hines.
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