Christian Klaver has been selling SF/F short fiction since the early 80s. Some of his recent work includes several Supernatural Case Files of Sherlock Holmes, and the fantasy novel Shadows Over London [
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Mysterious Galaxy]. He lives in Dearborn, Michigan, with his wife and daughter and a group of animals affectionately known as “The Menagerie.”
Klaver’s tattoo is one of three dragons he wears, and apparently began a bit of a family tradition. In his words:
I got this tattoo on my 30th birthday. (I have a smaller version on my chest.) My daughter liked the dragon so much she ended getting her own version for her eighteenth birthday. She liked *that* one so much she wanted another one for her 21st, and talked both me and my wife into a family tattoo party, which is why I now have a much larger version on my back.
Am now kicking myself for not asking to see the back tattoo. I mean, just because we were in the middle of a restaurant at the time…
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Jim C. Hines.