Good News Roundup

Jan 05, 2012 09:30

It’s been a pretty good week so far!
  • Yesterday, I finished and submitted LIBRIOMANCER to my editor. One day ahead of my deadline, no less! There will be at least one more round of revision once she’s read it, but for now, it’s DONE!!! It came in at just over 100,000 words, and they’re all PERFECT (except for one spot where I wrote Timon instead of Pumbaa.)
  • As if to mark the occasion, my agent e-mailed yesterday to let me know we had sold rights to the first two Princess books to Turkey. Woo hoo!
  • I have an essay called “Writing About Rape” in the latest issue of Apex Magazine.
  • LIBRIOMANCER bookmarks arrived yesterday, and they look great. I shall commence handing them out at ConFusion, and will probably be offering/asking to mail some out to folks as we get closer to the release date.
  • I got an e-mail yesterday with a picture of STEPSISTER SCHEME on the shelf at a college bookstore, where it’s listed as a required text for a class. That’s pretty darn cool!

It’s strange to be done, to not know what I have to work on during my lunch break today. Should I start planning book two, or should I dive into that short story that’s due in a few months? I don’t know. I could do either one if I wanted to! Whoa … I don’t know how to handle that kind of freedom!

The past few months have been pretty hectic, and I want to say publicly how much I appreciate all of the support and understanding my wife and kids have given me. Hopefully I’ll be able to pay some of that back now.

As for the book … well, you’ll be able to decide for yourself in August whether all of that time and work paid off, but personally, I think it’s pretty darn awesome, and I hope you will too.

Mirrored from Jim C. Hines.


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