I’m still sorting through my feelings on
Wiscon rescinding Elizabeth Moon’s Guest of Honor invitation.
It’s not the first time something like this has happened. William Sanders’ GoH invitation to ICFA in 2008 was rescinded after his “sheet head” rejection letter, for example. (Thanks to
Nick Mamatas for that historical pointer.)
Basically, I
Read more... )
2. See #1.
3. Seriously?
4. Not sure what you're getting at here...
5. Not sure how to respond to your sweeping generalizations of what "they" are doing.
Clint, from what I read at over at Kress' blog, I believe Tempest is going to have a nice little chat with her. I find myself wondering if Tempest will give in to her urge to threaten to slap Nancy if she doesn't get with the program.
I'll stand by whatever Nancy says regardless, even if I disagree with her.
Now please go back and read the entire sentence so that you'll have the context in which I was using that word.
Some of us are concerned that this has gotten totally out of hand. The bullying has to stop or it will backfire. The "Tea-Party of the left" is what I'd call it, but then you'd just stop reading.
But that parallel isn't a bad one. From Ten thousand miles away, it looks pretty much like a mirror image. You may be too close to see it.
"...the wankers who aren’t involved/informed in any way but still want to wave their opinions about..."
If you want to jump up and defend people's right to shout about their *uninformed* opinions, feel free.
Hell, I'm not even challenging that right. I'm just saying I'm not going to waste my time listening to 'em.
Maybe, just the fact that Wiscon caved under the pressure of groups that shall not be labelled is enough information to be able to have an opinion on this subject. Perhaps we (and yes, I include myself in the subset "wankers") want an actual discussion, not a set of rules we need to live by, dictated by a shrill minority.
You know what? Forget it. I don't think I care anymore.
This would be like a gaming convention inviting Jack Thompson to receive an award in service to the gaming community.
You are right about one thing, though...
Seems like I recall a lot of that. Perhaps her points were not written clearly enough.
Or maybe folks on this side of the fence didn't bother to read the comments.
Must be awfully frustrating to the blog owner. Perhaps enough to make them want to shut the discussion down.
You know, you're starting to remind me of a four-year-old, the kind who sits in the back seat going "I'm not touching you," and trying to provoke a response.
Unless you're an idiot, you already know I'm not going to shut down the discussion.
I may ban you though, if you continue to demonstrate you're not interested in anything but trolling. Please consider this your warning.
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