Ms. Moon,
I’ve been torn about writing this. In part because “An open letter to _____” just sounds pretentious to me. And partly because I know there have already been twenty-four gazillion responses to your 9/11 blog post,
I’ve recommended your blog on multiple occasions, for your thoughtfulness and perspective. I disagree with
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I was under the impression that the make up of the US was an aggregate of different peoples, not a population with "invaders."
I thought this a good response to a generally dismal view on integration of difference and certainly better than what I could do. :)
Well, as one Native American commenter pointed out on Ms. Moon's entry (comment now deleted), early U.S. history *does* show a lot of support for the invader model...
I was referring to more recent times, although I fear I was unclear about that.
Also, given that Elizabeth Moon and I are both deeply ingrained in SF/F circles, I find the idea of "assimilating into the mainstream" to be rather ironic :-)
Tim Wise has interesting things to say about how immigration and failure to assimilate is an assault on the assumptions of White privilege. But essentially, yes, I think any group that isn't invisible will be perceived by some people as an invasion. "The melting pot" metaphor, after all, implies that you are supposed to melt.
On the other hand this might be me idealizing my idyllic childhood in a really mixed neighborhood talking.
I think a stew is a lovely metaphor for the US: lots of distinct elements, some of which at least remain somewhat distinct, but all of which affect and are affected by the rest.
If we count on the rule of law as the salad dressing, I'm concerned that we won't get a mutual commitment to the whole dish. Where I grew up, the metaphor was much more stew- EVERYONE attended the various ethnic festivals, applauded ethic dancers at the State Fair, etc.- and those ethnicities varied wildly- from Scandinavian to Slavic to Polynesian, just for starters.
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