Jim is on vacation this week, and is blogging from one week in the past! He has very little Internet access, but will read and catch up on comments eventually.
So for the past two days, I’ve talked about Red Hood’s Revenge [
B&N |
Mysterious Galaxy |
Amazon]. This raises another question:
Hey Jim, don’t you ever get tired of talking about your own book?
Yes. Yes I do. So here are some of the other books out this week!
Rift in the Sky [
B&N |
Mysterious Galaxy |
Amazon], by
Julie Czerneda. This is the mass market release of book three in Czerneda’s Stratification series. Czerneda is a fellow DAW author, and writes amazing aliens. (In part because she has a fourth-degree black belt in biology.)
The Fuller Memorandum [
B&N |
Mysterious Galaxy |
Amazon], by
Charles Stross. This is book three in Stross’ Bob Howard - Laundry series. Harriet Klausner describes this book as “a terrific pull no punches paranormal espionage thriller” … which means it’s probably an epic romantic fantasy with weevils. Either way, it’s Charlie Stross - check it out!
Unbroken Chain [
B&N |
Mysterious Galaxy |
Amazon], by
Jaleigh Johnson. This is another of Johnson’s Forgotten Realms novels. It has no weevils that I am aware of. (I enjoyed her previous FR book Mistshore, which I reviewed
Unholy Magic [
B&N |
Mysterious Galaxy |
Amazon], by
Stacia Kane. This is the second book in Kane’s Downside Ghosts series. You can read an excerpt or download the first five chapters
on Kane’s website. This one may or may not have weevils.
Winter Duty [
B&N |
Mysterious Galaxy |
Amazon], by
E. E. Knight. This is the mass market release of book #8 in Knight’s Vampire Earth series. (My review of book one is
here.) This one definitely has weevils … alien vampire weevils!
So which of these are you rushing out to buy? And what other great new books are out that I’m missing?
Mirrored from
Jim C. Hines.