8 Books in 8 Weeks: Week Six

Jun 15, 2010 09:30

My next book, Red Hood’s Revenge [B&N | Mysterious Galaxy | Amazon] comes out on July 6.  Only three weeks until we get to meet Little Red Riding Hood, deadly assassin, and learn some of the secrets of Sleeping Beauty’s fairy curse.  I’m counting down the days by giving away a book each week.

This morning I was told that Red Hood would be included in a DAW/Penguin dark fantasy floor display at Barnes & Noble.  Sweet!  Also, Sci-fi Fan Letter called it the strongest princess book to date.  Insert contented smile here.

Anyway, time to give away another book!  This week, let’s forget that whole truth in advertising thing.  What are the lesser-known benefits of reading the princess series?  Be as creative or ridiculous as you’d like.  For example…

The Mermaid’s Madness increases your pets’ IQ scores by 20 points or more!

The Stepsister Scheme: Gets out even the toughest stains!

Leave your suggestion in the comments, and I’ll pick a winner at random to receive an autographed copy of one of the following books (your choice):

Please keep it PG-13 or better, and have fun!  (And please feel free to spread the word, if you’d like.)

Mirrored from Jim C. Hines.

red hood's revenge

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