(no subject)

May 26, 2009 12:19

Q: How did Sleeping Beauty invest her gold?
A: Hedge funds.

I’m sorry.  That joke popped into my head right before lunch.  In a just universe, my nemesis would plot me a horrible demise for writing it.  My brain is still recovering from the long weekend of lawnwork, back pain, hospital visits (a friend with an injured arm), and family time.  So it’s popping about rather randomly right now.

Today marks the release of Kelly McCullough’s latest book MythOS [Amazon | Mysterious Galaxy].  I reviewed and enjoyed the first book, WebMage, a while back.  Kelly has an interview posted over at SF Novelists.  Gotta love any book that sticks a webgoblin on the cover

http://www.jimchines.com is pretty much ready to go.  I may make a few more changes and additions, including trying to change over to a nicer permalink structure, but it’s basically done.  So if you’ve got time, please take a look and try to break it :-)  Let me know if you find problems, broken links, or pages that simply look like crap.

And my final random point, which is better, classic titanium spork or redesigned ultimate spork?

I promise to try to be a little more coherent next time!

Mirrored from Jim C. Hines.

Writers of the Future XXIV
Amazon | Mysterious Galaxy Writing
Red Hood's Revenge


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