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Jan 03, 2006 03:16

2005About you in 2005How old did you turn in 2005?:23 Was it a good age?:It's not over yet! didyou loose anyone close to you in 2005?:My grandfather, but we weren't THAT close. did you make out in 2005?:yes did you kiss in 2005?:yes did you drink in 2005?:..............yes? yes. did you smoke in 2005?:nope, there is NOT a first time for everything. did you question your sexual orientation?:no? School/Work in 2005Did you get a new job/go to a new school?:yes. if yes, was this a change for the better?:yes. Did you get good grades?:Didn't go to school :p stupid survey How you looked in 2005how tall were you?:6' Did you gain any weight?:Um... I'm pretty much gaining or losing weight all the time. I think overall... I gained 40 or so lbs. DId you go on a diet?:nope. Well.. kinda... for that weekend... those don't last too long. Did you try to gain weight?:People do this? Like they want some? here, take some. what color was your hair?:black. Did you dye it, if so what color?:nope. Love LifeHow many boyfriends did you have?:wow... you sexist fuck. I'll kill you. I had 0 girlfriends. How many times were you dumped?:none. How many people did you dump?:none. How many people did you makeout with?:That may require a definition. 1 or 2. How many people did you kiss?:1. Did you like all of them?:::thumbs up:: Were you cheated on?:Hey... no... wow, an improvement. Did you cheat on anyone?:nope. WellnessWere you sick often?:often? Not more than usual. what was the worst sickness that you had?:Over the last year? God damn.... probably that cold I had in october. Were you in the hospital at all?:yes. if so, for how long?:oh.... 3 hours? 2 maybe. were you depressed at all?:sure. How much school/work did you miss in total?:2 days. Summer 05what is your best memory from the summer?:Good... summer... memmories.......... I spent some time with Kay that I remember as being positive. what is something that happend in the summer that was really funny?:Guy stole (well... maybe not stole, it's a long story.) A WHOLE FUCKING TON of food from Bobby D's. Did you meet anyone new?:yes. wait, in the summer? Umm... yah, work peoples. And new dag people. Mohx and Postal. Did you do anything stupid?:I'm sure I did. go to any camps?:No. any jobs?:Yah, started working at RS. FriendsDid you make any new friends?:Brian, I guess. I haven't really talked about him yet. We chill. Kris knows him. Did you loose any friends?:Ex-co workers. Not much else. Kinda stopped chillin with the Denny's crew. WEre you teased?:Not that I can remember. DId you make or loose more?:about equal. who was your closest friend?:Guyverman! did you gain contact with any old friends?:YES! Kath, right at the beginning of '05. Did any friends move?:Fuck, yes? I think? Randomhow did you make money?:Delivering pizza, then being a sales monkey. did you see any bands preform live?:no. Any pets?:What is this, a dating survey? I have a dog, his name is bear. what are you looking forward to most in the upcoming year?:Not much. Hopefully moving out. will it be a better year?:nope. The more shit changes, the more it's still shit. Take this survey | Find more surveys
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