Aug 28, 2006 21:18
On Saturday night I ended up in the psychiatric ER. Everything go so overwhelming that I decided it was better off to be dead. I overdosed on Depakote. The good thing was they were extended release capsules or I might not be here today. My neigbors called 911 and then took me into the ER. However, I talked a good talk and left without being evaluated. I mean, the hospital I was at sucked. It was in a bad area and one of the other psych patients actually escpaed while I was there. I am going to get some help though. I want help, I need help. I don't think I realized that people actually care.
Today I am sick, I've got strep throat. I've been running a high fever and could barely lift my head off the pillow with out feeling I was going to throw up.
So sorry there isn't more cheerful news, but writing in my journal is very therapeutic.