Jan 03, 2005 21:37
well last day of break. kinda sucked. i didnt really do anything. then again i dont think anyone really did anything. we are all prolly just walking around our houses muttering to ourselves "damn we have school again..." cause that's sure as hell what i was like. well cristy is back from puerto rico. im happy about that. i really missed her at autumns new years party... but im sure she had a lot more fun in PUERTO RICO!!!!! *tear* i want to go somewhere like puerto rico. too bad i suck lol. i've been sick for the last couple days of break which has sucked pretty hard. but not as hard as it sucks for my friend megan... dang she got mono right at the beggining of break so she's the most sad of us. now im tired. so im going to bed soon... cya kids later