I met this girl a while ago. I mean besides being extremely beautiful and interesting, she was also about 14 types of awesome. Of course back then I was too much of a wuss to actually ask her out or anything. I mean come on; she was way out of my league! But we did get to know each other better over time and the more I knew her, the more I absolutely adored her. Seriously she was the coolest person evar. Then years passed and I discovered more about who I was as did pretty much everybody else. Except that girl. She already knew who she was. Like back in high school. How did she do that?!? Okay I guess she is 15 types of awesome. Sorry for the deception folks.
You know, back in the beiginning I didn't really klnow her as well as I'd have liked. I mean I just wasn't cool enough to be part of her inner circle. Then one day she kind of randomly sent me a mix tape to cheer me up. Seriously? This goddess among humans actually noticed I was having a rough time of life and went out of their way to cheer me up? Well I can't really sit around being emo-teenager all day after that shit, so I decided to stop wallowing in low self-esteem and start solving those problems in life that are bringing me down.
Yeah, she had that much effect on me with one simple and unexpected act.
Over the years I have seen her do things like this constantly. And not just to me. She has a knack for making anybody feel better about themselves or their situations in life. I have never met anybody that puts out more of their personal efforts for the simple purpose of making other (sometimes random) people happy. She truly makes this world a much more beautiful place.
This incredible woman has taught me so much in life it's not even funny! Some examples:
1. Just be yourself and nuts to anybody that doesn't like it.
2. It's fun to screw with people's assumptions and first impressions.
3. Cats have personalities
4. Close friends = true family.
5. Art is not nessesarily just painting.
6. There is no such thing as "my favorite type of music."
7. Painted art isn't always on a canvas.
8. Sometimes showing only the background of an image can give you far more deatil of the invisible foreground.
9. There are some truly phenomenal (do-do dodododo do-do da-dooo..) people in the world.
10. The difference between looking cool and actually being cool.
11. Archie McPhee
12. Pretty much every great web comic and newpaper comic ever drawn
13. Kid's shows are much more fun as an adult. Seriously.
14. Fun purely for the sake of fun is a worthwhile endeavor.
15. Edward Gorey.
16. The good kind of friutcake.
17. Sushi. Yeah it's her fault that I am a sushi fanatic. mmmm.. amaebi... *drool*
18. Roaches dig Bacari & Capri Sun.
19. Being a total geek does not porevent you from being übercool.
20. Anybody can have a clean break and a fresh start.
The list could go on for pages and pages but I am way too undercaffienaated to do that. Let's just say that this woman is my resource for all the best shows to watch, best games to play, best music to discover. We do share a lot of the same tastes in these genras.
She has a family that would crawl naked across broken glass for her and friends that would at least slip on a pair of knee pads first..
EVERYBODY loves her. No really: everubody. If you don't it's obviously because you haven't met her yet. Her group of friends is truly immense. Nonetheless I kind of feel like I'm in some sort of elite inner circle. I don't know how I got there, but I feel lucky as hell!
Months (almost years) will someties go by and we won't have any communication at all. Then one day we will talk and it's like no time has passed at all. No "you didn't call me! *whine*" drama or anything like it.
She is the only person in the world that I would hand my favorite leather jacket to and give her complete artistic carte blanche to decorate as she sees fit because I know that whetever she does to it will fit me perfectly. I'm even working up the nerve to ask her to design the paintwork on my motorcycle (shh... don't tell her).
tragerstreit, I love you more than I know how to express* and I am so grateful that you are a part of my life. I con't even remember all the wonderful things you've done for me and other people. You truly are the best person I've ever met and I am extremely proud of you for all you've accomplished in life.
Happy birthday Vashtihead!!
* Don't worry J, it's evolved into a more brother-and-sister kind of affection. And not the Kentucky kind.
Oh as PS: I am sending you a box. It's very fragile so be careful and if the delivery guy drops it, please ask Gecko to happen to him. Then poke him with a thousand sticks. And set him on fire. Nah, that's too far; just the sticks then.