Nov 05, 2008 09:20
Is it just me, or did it seem that the news stations last night all seemed to pick out the most smug, self-righeous Debbies as field spokespersons for prop-8? Every one that was briefly interviewed was irritatingly smug and seemed to have a little tone to their voice that sounded a lot like "nah-nah I was right nah-nah!."
Or maybe it just seems that way because I am bitter that they won.
Anyway, since there were high results for 8 from black and latino communities, why couldn't the news have interviewed one of them instead of the saccharine-sweet WASP housewives they constantly sought out?
One friendly zealot was quoted as saying, "I'm just glad that most of California listened to God and knows that He would never condone such a union. And now the law of this state is back in line with God. Bless you, California! Now we can work on setting up programs in our churches and schools to help those misguided people find their own paths to God.." (and it goes on from there). Did. She. Really. Say. That?!? This can't be good.... I mean aside from the obvious issues of church vs. state, she actually thought this wa a positive step toward curing homosexuality. I half expected her to make an AIDS comment as well. And of course she definitely made it clear that she would like to see heterosexuality taught in schools.. Isn;t that contrary to one of the yessers' main arguments pre-election? Maybe I' missing something.
Of course every person interviewed in the "No on 8" camps was the most lithspy, queeny faggot they could find. I mean I am pretty sure there were regular people (that may or may not happen to prefer the company of their own gender) at these events. Why the hell did they have to find find that one person that embodies all that 53% of Calfornians hate, and interview them? Bastards.
53% of California can kiss my ass.
Ironically, 47% of California might be more inclined to kiss my ass, but that's besides the point.