Well, my beer went over well. I made special labels that looked like real beer labels but they had the name of my company on them. It was alot of fun and most every one came up for seconds/took some home in their bag. There is some left over and I get to take it home so yah! Also, I made some labels with the presedent of our company on them to send to him. I photoshoped his face on the Sam Adams guy so that it looked like he had long flowing hair. See below...
(I love how our company credo, "Quality, Diversity, Performance" is on our beer label...)
Anyway, I'm just glad that people didn't spit my beer in my face and call me names. There was one lady who didn't like it and I asked her what kind of beer she did like and she said, "I don't like beer, I like wine". I don't konw why she thought she would like my beer, but maybe she is a stupid bitch... Just kidding... No I'm not...
Anyway, so now everyone thinks I'm an expert on everything brewed, which I'm not, and are asking me a bunch of crazy questions that I am supposed to know the answer to, which I don't... I just like beer. Beer Beer Beer...