Jan 15, 2017 20:15
significantly better!
okay, the bomb...?
I've no idea what Danny's playing with Charlie?
plot is H50 - it finished three seconds ago, and I'm like what did I just watch *ponders* Oh, yes, knife/evidence.
We did get a Book 'em, Danno \o/
But awwwwwwwwwww Jerry helping Max express his love for his 'Ohana. Steve the big brother. Danny the role model and wanting to stay in touch. Chin understanding 'ohana to the depths of his being (makes 'Uhane series note). Kono helping him with his wife. Grover's smile.
as an aside: so clearly, an outcome of Steve's transplant is now he likes Malasadas 0_o, just like Danny.
Also: "Dance with me tonight" -- did I hear that right?
Finally: Danny was uncomfortable in that hole -- nicely done.