May 13, 2004 18:53
The first Memories this morning were of a Dream i had.. an interesting Dream at that.
IT All begins in a mall. I am walking down the hall with stores to the left and right of me. There is a Few Schools at the mall today doing different activities that i noticed while walking. One doing MArtial arts, another Music... another Showing different things and selling them also.. ect
Anyways, while i am walking i feel that i am looking for someone, so i go off to find a man in a mask. I found him, and as i did he was ording a group of 40 Girls (16 year olds) who were doing martial arts to put on Ninja Customs... and to go with him... I followed.
First area i came too while following where a stair way. THe only way to walk up them was to hold on to the rail... But there was a LARGE gap inbetween the rail and the stair case itself.. so while i am going up it i am constantly almost falling to my death.. Surpislying enough, i lived... (Usualy i fall off and die lol)
When i get off the stairs some Martix Music starts to play, and while it fades in i look up at a celling 70 feet up. ALl the Girls were throwing ropes up through the celling, and being pulled up. I run to one of the ropes past where a school was celling different art crap to old people. I grab on to it, pull twice and zoom right up 70 feet throw the celling landing on a panel.
In the Celling now, i run and jump away from two girls who are now wearing Karata Ofits, i jump on this matt in the celling and bounce 10 feet in the air to another room with another matt. In this room though there is a hole in the Matt. I jump over the hole, and land on the matt (and at this point i felt for sure i was going to fall to my death again, but i didnt)
(At this point the Music changes into another Matrix them, Techno this time)
I went through a door outside, 80 feet above the ground. ON a Large foot ball feild i see 3 teams playing, one of the teams were playing on a feild covered in mudy Socks. Seeing this, i jumped down off the door way, grab on a Poll that was holding these huge tent like Walls up and slide all the way down to the ground. Running to the foot ball players i am given the ball..
I looked at the opposing and see there all teens.. i smile, and i run and charge through them all (they being a Perfossional team, each member being stolen from somewhere) and i went through them like air. I jumped over a bunch of players, touched down.. and won us the game.. "JAMES WON US THE GAME< JAMES WON US THE GAME"
(Winning music plays)
Then, i slammed the ball in the ICE Covered ground..
They End.