Oct 20, 2012 04:22
I tend to go through extended periods of time where I do not recall a lot of dreams, so when I have dreams which stand out as odd, memorable, or maybe somehow insightful I like to jot down the details I can recall. This one is a bit blurry except for the end and seemed to go on a very long time.
Myself and another were "hiding out", going the places we went only at night and we used trains to get around (Of course in the dream the trains were frequent, quite slow, we never had trouble getting on them and when we jumped off we landed on our feet at a comfortable walk LOL). We lived in a couple dug out shelters made of what we could find in a wooded area at the base of a hill... very secluded. At one point we set a fire in an electrical box, I think so we could draw attention away from us stealing food from a store. At the end of the dream we had just hopped off a train and were walking toward our "hideaway" and we were singing some sort of gospel song, all I can recall is the chorus : "This one took the pain away. This one is alive". (I woke singing the chorus and it is still stuck in my head)